Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blog 5- sm@home

These are my simple machines at home. It shows lever, wheel/ axle, incline plane, screw, wedge, and pulley.

Inclined Plane- This is an example of incline plane, my stairs. I found this in my house, leading upstair. It allows me to advance to a new height with little effort.

Wedge-This is an example of a wedge, shape angled object splitting another board into two boards. I had some spare boards left over in my garage. It makes work easier by breaking up work into small increments.

Pulley- This is an example of a pulley. It is made from a key chain and a sharpie. It makes work easier because you can lift very heavy objects with little effort.

Lever- This is an example of a lever. It's made up of a volley ball with a board running accrossed it. It makes work easier because you can lift heavy object with little effort.

Wheel & Axle- This is an example of a wheel and axle. I used my weight bench, bar, and some weights. Wheel and Axle make work easier because you can lift more weight and transport that weight a farther distance.

Screw- This is an example of a screw. It is just one of the screws that my dad has. It makes work easier by breaking up work into smaller incruments.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Here we have the common incline plane, wedge, and screw. Incline plane and wedge are used to make work easier by breaking on upward or downward movement into smaller incruments. Screws use small rotation to make a large drilling force. In inclined plane the load is the heavy object being pushed or pulled by effort which is you. In wedge the load is whatever you are splitting with the wedge which is the effort. In the screw the load is whatever you are screwing the screw into and the effort the screwdriver rotating the screw into the load.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog #3- Levers, Wheel/ Axle, Pulley

This picture shows three simple machines; lever, wheel and axle, and pulley. Levers are used to increase force and speed. Wheel and Axles are used to move heavy objects with less work and you can cover more ground with them. Pulleys are used to lift heavy objects. In the lever the fulcrum is in the middle while the load and effort are on opposite sides of the fulcrum. In the wheel and axle the fulcrum is the axle, the effort is the wheel, and the load is whatever the wheel and axle are carrying. In the pulley the fulcrum is pulley wheel, the load is the heavy object being lifted, and the effort is whatever is lifting the load off the ground.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Progect Runway

I did a loin cloth. It is a thing that covers your butt and crotch. I was inspired by the cavemen, who wore the same design of clothing. It has a peice of wood covoring the butt, plastic covering the crotch, and copper wires connecting everthing together. It is useful for harsh climates or for taking the misses out on the town. Thw wood can be for anywhere there are trees. The plastic plate and copper wires are found in about any household item.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

All About Me

I'm Jordan. I like all physical activities; football, basketball, baseball, ect. I have a dog named Dixie. I am currently udefeated in badminton, I have never lost a game in my life. I ride bike alot during summer monthes.